Us, a Community of Change

Avishi GurnaniMarch 14, 2024Crisis & ChangePoetry

Artwork by Nikita Zinoviev, age 16

Photograph by Nikita Zinoviev, age 16

Differences accepted.
Friends around every corner.
Holding a belonging
To this new world. Every grain,
A pillar to support this journey.
From reticence to expression.
Urge to return the debt of kindness.
Love, that had been lent.
Today, a part of this island.
Tomorrow, a fraction of its proud past.
A heart filled with thoughts, a mind with overflowing feelings
Longing to merge, to make, to stay, to sense, to see
Us, a community
Proud of the past,
Fostering the future
Sublime, the goals of a lifetime
This can’t succeed solitarily
Our strength, specks in space
Together, our power,
Greater than one alone can ever be
Us, a community.

Avishi Gurnani is a 12-year-old student at New Town Primary School in Singapore. She has published three books of her own, and is always poking around for new platforms to express her passion for writing.