Ode to Smog

Nathan ZhangMarch 9, 2015

Oh, Smog
Thank you for keeping us inside
Preventing wicked physical activity from its stride
For coloring the world with your lovely grey sky
And freshening the air with a high AQI.*

Look at the wonderful PM 2.5 particles in the air
Common in China, not so rare elsewhere
And you have a delightful smoky scent
That makes me let go of all my hate and resentment.

Oh, Smog
I wouldn’t know what I would do without you
But just want to cry and wash the sky
with tears from my eyes!

*AQI means "air quality index," which is higher when pollution is worse.

Nathan Zhang lives in Beijing, China. He is 11 years old and in the 6th grade. His hobbies include writing, reading and video-gaming.