
Will HodgkinsonMarch 7, 2016

Slowly, tentatively at first,
the world roused itself.

The hard merciless frost
yielded and the soft heady
redolence of damp loam
and fresh flowers rose
into the pure air.

Up above,
in the limpid azure sky,
the great bright orb
of the sun climbed,
high and assured,
its deep intoxicating warmth
spreading across
the luxuriant emerald pastures,
the quiet shadowed glades,
the clear dulcet brooks.

The animals crept diffidently
from their dens then,
reveling at their
benignant welcome,
galloped in joy
through the blooming vista.

The world had been resurrected,
drawn out of the dark boreal void
it had been consigned to.

But amid
this vital scene,
a man stood motionless,
golden head bowed,
as if in fervent prayer,
into the still pool
below him.

Into the image of
his entranced face.

Rapt eyes.
Transfixed by the dead
picture in the tranquil mirror.

Around him, fragrant breezes
Birds wheel above,
singing with merriment.

The whole verdant tableaux
pulses with vibrant life.
And still the ghastly static
goes on and on.

Will Hodgkinson is 17 and in the 11th grade at Waldorf High School in Massachusetts. His poetry has been published in Off the Coast, Maine’s international poetry journal, Highlights magazine, and the Arlington Advocate. His interview with Noam Chomsky was published recently in the University of Massachusetts Breakwater Review. His interests include politics and writing.