Cold Winter Nights

Adya SarinJanuary 2, 2020

Cold winter nights,
Wet puddles
Frozen Puddles
A chilly breeze,

Chattering teeth,
Cold, shaking hands,
A thin jacket,
A shivering body.

Hidden under a pile of blankets,
Wearing a soft, woolly jacket,
Snuggled against the pillow,
A cozy fire crackling.

A warm, snug feeling,
Spread all across the room,
Slowly turning hot,
Heat spreading.

Fire hissing,
Ceiling beams cracking,
Flames devouring,
Heat burning.

Swollen feet,
Wet eyes,
Smoky vision,
Charred nightgown.

Fire spitting into the sky,
Sirens wailing,
Water spraying,
Noises overwhelming.

A chilly breeze,
Frozen Puddles,
Wet Puddles,
Cold winter nights.

Adya is currently studying in the eighth grade at the Riverside School in Ahmedabad, India. She enjoys dancing, reading and playing with her cats in her free time.