A Concoction of Words

Dhruvika ParikhFebruary 5, 2023

Getting lost in my books is my craze,
Time is what it will cost, but I love getting baffled in this maze,
The epiphany of completing a book,
A feeling that just gets you hooked,
When you open a new one,
It'll take you on a different ride of fun,
With each turn of the page,
It seems like the arrival of a new stage,
Drifting into another realm of time and space,
Going away from all the realities I have to face,
I enact every scene in my mind,
Euphoria, Melancholy, and Vehemence of all kinds,
These emotions evoked seem so palpable,
Almost like this table which is tangible,
Characters come to life through the author's words,
Just to let you know, people like us are called nerds,
All my senses seem aligned,
There is seldom confusion of any kind,
Boundless imagination is what I seek,
Regardless of the strong or the meek,
Infinite possibilities of what could be.

At the end of the day, it's just the book and me!
Another book checked on my list,
I realized the time by looking at the watch on my wrist,
Oh God, please save me from mum,
Just let me finish this one!

Dhruvika Parikh is a 12-year-old from Ahmedabad, India. Dhruvika is interested in coding, dancing, history, geography, science, crafts, and acquiring new skills.