Taiwan Supports Those Who Have Experienced Violence

Jewel YangMay 16, 2023Violence and Healing

Violence has a lot of meanings. Domestic violence includes a variety of behaviors in addition to physical assault, such as emotional abuse, intimidation, coercion, threats, and isolation. The Executive Yuan announced that Taiwan had published its fourth country report for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), with the addition that the conclusions indicated that women made up 70% of the victims of domestic violence in Taiwan between 2017 and 2020. According to Lo, half of all recorded occurrences of abuse involved partners, including married, divorcing, or co-parenting couples, with women making up 83% of the victims.

Domestic violence reporting has steadily increased since Taiwan's Domestic Violence Prevention Act was passed ten years ago, along with a rise in the number of community involvement programs operated by the government and NGOs. The government and NGOs teach individuals how to manage their emotions without using violence. Despite the fact that some people do not think there has been a decline in abuse, there has been an increase in awareness of the problem in Taiwan over the past decade.

The coalition Taiwan Coalition Against Violence (TCAV) is composed of 35 professionals and 39 NGOs that address a range of issues including domestic violence, sexual assault, child protection, and victim protection. The alliance unifies the efforts of all connected non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for lobbying on a variety of issues and the creation of a thorough legal framework and rules. The coalition not only played a significant part in creating protective services for women and children and coordinating between public and private networks, but it also developed an action plan to implement CEDAW and eradicate GBV, allowing Taiwan to stay up with international standards. Through aggressive TCAV promotion, the "Victim-Centered Integration Agenda" has recently gained momentum in Taiwan as seen by the sharing of lessons learned and noteworthy achievements at the yearly Protection of Women and Children Networking Conferences. Every person should be able to live with dignity, according to TCAV, an NGO that places a high priority on social advocacy and activism. For people in need, TCAV speaks out. We take the victims' concerns seriously, provide attention to the needs of women, and approach the community with an emphasis on protecting the elderly. To ensure that everyone in Taiwan may live without experiencing any form of abuse or violence, the major goal is to prevent violence in order to achieve the SDGs.

Jewel Yang is 11 years old and lives in Taipei, Taiwan. She enjoys living in the social media world and finds herself a fan of Tik Tok trending dances and everything about YouTube vlogging.