Broken City, Broken Soul

Yelizaveta KharadzhaNovember 1, 2023Now and Then

Of course, the past is an integral part of our life. The past shapes us into who we are now. It teaches us not to repeat our own and others' mistakes. However, despite its significance, you should not live in the past. There is always a future that is more important.

Now many people in Ukraine have been deprived of happy memories of the past. My hometown, Mariupol, was completely destroyed along with all the happy memories. Without any warning, the Russians took away my ability to create memories of my youth. Now all Mariupol residents feel pain about our common past. All my friends are in different cities and countries. I do not have the opportunity to see them and talk again. Some of them did not survive. It hurts terribly. We were deprived of the opportunity to communicate happily without worries. And now we are forced to rebuild our lives in a completely different society. My soul is very sick of the past, like all Mariupol residents. More than a year has already passed since I left Mariupol, but painful memories are still not forgotten.

However, I will always have happy memories of my childhood and elementary school. During this period, all the qualities that I have now were formed in me. I am very grateful to my parents and teachers in school who taught me how to live and develop. Thanks to my past, I can now build a happy future.

We must always remember that we are the creators of our future, starting from the large-scale problems of the planet, like ecology, and ending with our personal lives. Don't be afraid of your future. Each of us is always able to change our lives for the better. And despite the fact that I really miss the past in Mariupol, I do my best to have a happy life. I understand that I will never have the life that I once had. And it is unlikely that I will ever see my friends. But I do not despair. After all, I know that in the future I will definitely be happy and there are still a lot of new things waiting for me.

In conclusion, we should always remember our past, because it is an integral part of our life. But we must let it go and not live in the past. After all, the future is much more important. The future is the building of a happy past that we will not regret.

Yelizaveta Kharadzha is a 15-year-old from Ukraine. She loves studying biology and chemistry, and in her free time she enjoys painting, ballroom dancing, and reading.