Pieces of her heart scattered by the gnawing teeth of death.
Emptiness clawing at her soul, clambering for freedom.
Tear-stained cheeks,
Scorched by invisible hands.
Vacant eyes, void of life,
Staring past into darkness.
Splattered crimson;
Splotches of scarlet.
Painless torture;
Anguish within.
Liberation from this infernal abyss.
Taunting, jeering,
Too weak to attain.
Burning sensation;
Marked arms.
Cold steel;
Hopeless comfort.
“Once upon a time,”
Now, the “happy ending,”
Only living nightmares.
She prays for the end;
But her mind,
Replays his presence,
“Keep living.”
Her fatherless baby, snuggles;
Buries deeper into warmth.
Impossible for her, the mother.
Wide, innocent blue eyes.
Floods the memories.
Memories she wishes to remember,
And forget.
Curious, angel eyes,
Searching her mother’s soul,
Pulsing, radiating,
Her heart and being,
Now sparked by her baby,
Flames of hope,
A new beginning.
Oblivious to the world,
The baby, her mother’s precious gift,
Sleeps peacefully,
Never a hero too small.