
Tyrant Queen

Strength and InfluencePoetry

Striking the tall warrior
for shielding me,
she has no mercy.
I cower behind my shield again.
Satisfied with her punishment,
she continues to rule
the earth like a tyrant.

I creep out
from behind the mighty
oak tree soldier into the open field.
My eyes
search for another place
to hide.
She zips across the field,
howling and destroying
everything that protects her from me.

Crashing through
the orange and red leaves,
she reaches me and cuts
across my jaw
like a dagger.
I draw in a short gasp,
as she waits for a further reaction.
Not giving her any sound,
she whips my hair
and swirls around me.
The leaves, feeling her anger,
fall into a bow off their trees.
She turns her attention to them
and places the leaves
gently on the ground.

So powerful
yet so graceful.
The wind will penalize
like a cruel king
and reward like a loving queen,
all in a matter of minutes.

Kathryn Hirtz is a 13-year-old attending Saint Patrick Catholic school in Rolla, Missouri, as an eighth grader. She is a competitive swimmer and runner.

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn