Stop calling me names
I know you think it’s okay
But “Smart” and “Intelligent”
Are just as bad
As any insult you can conjure
You put pressures on me
And in return
I put pressures on myself
I feel like I’m not enough
That my grade isn’t good
Unless I get an A+
Because you called me names
And you said it was fine
Even though it wasn’t and isn’t and never will be
Because you said those words
I spend hours agonizing
Over things I thought that I didn’t care about
I say “I don’t care about grades”
To give those words less effect
I’m lying
Yet the words still affect me
I wish people would stop
Stop calling me those bad words
They attack me
They attack from the inside
Where my emotions rest
They attack all that I am
Morph into me
And because of you
That is all I think I am
But it’s okay
Because it is a compliment