I fled from the land of war
Filled with utmost valor
Found a home in the new land
Where we were offered peace’s hand
When I have no one left
My heart hurts in my chest
I don’t have a guiding light
To shine bright in endless night
I took its hand with great zest
Feeling much blessed
But the land of the free
Was not what it seemed
When I have no one left
My heart hurts in my chest
I don’t have a guiding light
To shine bright in endless night
Being different makes you hated
Your skin color isn’t venerated
They see you and are disgusted
And soon your courage is rusted
When I have no one left
My heart hurts in my chest
I don’t have a guiding light
To shine bright in endless night
Mama shakes her head
Says this water is hard to tread
Scared, she weeps
Tears streaming down her cheeks
When I have no one left
My heart hurts in my chest
I don’t have a guiding light
To shine bright in endless night
So to the racists out there
Of my message be well aware:
Your words hurt like fire
But I will never cry
Bravery will never retire
And I will survive