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We Have Said So Many Goodbyes

Annika Ziff Glueck

November 21, 2023

Department: Poetry

Issue: Now and Then

For my grandmother lost to Alzheimer’s


Today we remember you
And will always remember you,
Even though we said many goodbyes
These past years.

Goodbye to the last time you’ll remember my name,
The last time you’ll read me a book,
The last time you’ll play a game with me,
The last time you’ll join family dinner,
The last time I will hear your words,
The last time you’ll walk with me,
The last time I’ll make you laugh,
The last time you’ll hear my voice
and respond.

And now this last goodbye,
As we lay you to rest,
Free to be your whole self again.
After so many goodbyes.


Annika Ziff Glueck is a 12-year-old living in Irvington, New York. She loves basketball, field hockey, and curling up with a good book in bed with her family's two Tibetan Terriers, Milkshake and Minty. The above poem was written for the memorial for her grandmother Miriam, who passed away in September 2023.