The thing that most people
choose to ignore is the fact
that we are both
A flower in the never ending
fields and hills of time
Pulled up by the roots
In just one tug
We are also history.
We can change our lives
We can change others’
We have the power to shape the destiny
Of the world as we know it.
We are created for a purpose
For what purpose?
For no purpose?
The truth is I don’t know.
Maybe no one knows;
and the truth will forever be hidden
It is an endless loop
Of creation
And destruction.
The ever expanding vastness
Where you can be anything
And anyone
And still not have a purpose
You can be famous
And have books
and movies and
memoirs about
you you you
And still be nothing to anyone
or anything
Just a couple thousand years later
We are created
To be the victim,
Along with everyone else,
Of the expanding vastness
Of the never-ending loop
Of the anyone and anything
Of destruction.
And creation
We are nothing.
We are everything.
I am a grain in the desert of time
Swept away with the first breeze,
Into the symphony and chaos
Of the sands
I am the cosmos
I am never stoppable,
Never ending
I am walking, walking in the darkness
With no path to follow,
No light to guide me,
And only hope to lead the way
I am aeonin
I am the Once upon a time and
the The End
in the story of everything
I’m also just a rose on a bush
that is barely mentioned
except to be picked
I am everything
I am nothing
My purpose is to make my world better
My purpose is…to have a purpose?
I am not sure i am not sure i am not sure someone tell me what this what is
There is no answer to that. There is no answer to life.
All I can tell you is
The thing that most people
choose to ignore is that
there is one truth that we must acknowledge
We are today we are tomorrow we are never and forever we are always and burned from history and and and
And we are creation
If we want to be
And we are also destruction
When we must be