It scares me to think
That someday I will leave home.
That someday
I won’t dump my backpack on the bench as I come back from school
I won’t hear the bang my bag makes as it slumps onto the ground
Exhausted and glad to be back
Just like me
That someday
I won’t sit beside my sister as we do our homework
In quiet companionship
That someday
I won’t eat at the family dining table
The scratch still imprinted on it from when I was three
A reminder that
Some things
Never change
I am still a kid
I still like the same things I did
But life is different now.
And it scares me to think
That the world has changed
That I have changed
That someday soon
I’ll pack up my bags
Say farewell
Goodbye, dear home
I’m sorry
for all the marks and bruises I have caused you
I’m sorry
to be leaving you
I shudder
The idea scares me.
Goodbye home?
I’m not ready
I’m not prepared