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What Does It Mean To Be Courageous?

Courage… Why is it deemed one of the greatest virtues by mankind? Why is it important for the mind and heart? Why is it considered as the key to liberating one’s mind from the darkness of fear? Some say courage simply means valor, while others reckon it is the absence of apprehension.

My society has allowed me to perceive courage as freedom. In other words, courage is to have the ability to voice one’s opinions without any fear of judgment, while keeping others’ perspectives in mind. Courage is the strength to put aside one’s ego and the willingness to accept one’s faults. It is easy to get driven by our narcissistic thoughts, but true courage lies in the acceptance of oneself, others, and situations around.

In my class, one of my peers was diagnosed with a rare condition called “Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,” which restricts his basic gross movements and fine motor skills. Despite his condition, he has shown courage by showing up to school daily and inspiring young minds such as me and my classmates with his impressive artworks, which have been showcased in multiple exhibitions. He has seen all his adversities as an opportunity to prove to the world that he can do wonders. As Theodore Roosevelt rightly said, “Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.”

In my school community, we are given a multitude of challenges with the objective of honing our problem-solving skills, and at the same time, fostering our creativity, critical thinking, and collaborative skills. These challenges help us harness courage as they enable us to work as a team and empower us to persevere through all the hardships that come our way with an open mind.

While talking about courage, another instance that comes to my mind is how the director of my school, Mrs Kiran Sethi, started Riverside Education Foundation by virtue of her own conviction. She was so determined that even the infamous earthquake that hit Ahmedabad in the same year did not deter her from her vision.

Back in 2020 when the world was under lockdown, when the planes or trains weren’t operating, my father drove approximately 5,000 kilometers to bring me and my sister back from our grandparent’s house.

These tales of courage have truly encouraged me to take responsibility for the freedom that I am privileged with. Thus, true courage is taking ownership and accountability of one’s deeds. Moreover, it is the willingness to persist through the many hardships life poses, and staying committed to what one believes in.

Some might believe that courage merely exists in mythological tales or fictitious movies, but if we take a look around, we will be able to find ample examples of courage in our close proximities — whether it be in our house or community.


Siddhant Raj is an 11-year-old from a multicultural family in India. He loves to call himself a bibliophile and aspires to be a published author someday! Riverside School is the space where he gives shape to his thoughts and dreams. Writing stories and poems is Siddhant’s superpower.