A “community” can have numerous definitions. For me, a community is a body of people united by any shared characteristic or interest. A primary factor that bonds the Pakistani community is language. Now, it may seem obvious that a country would be united by its national language. However, there is a deeper layer to it. Growing up in Karachi, my father reflects on the 1990s, when the city was plagued with language-based community violence. In my own case, while Urdu brings the familiar shiver of O-Level angst, it is also the language that binds me to my surroundings. Whether it be a playful native phrase thrown into an English chat with friends, or a cheerful greeting with a shopkeeper, Urdu encourages and pushes me to connect with people from diverse economic and ethnic backgrounds living, working, or studying around me. Urdu is also the language that connects me to my grandmother — an important reminder that communities shape, grow and flourish across generations.
Along with Urdu, I feel that religion is another important dimension of my community. My experience with Islam has shown its incredible ability to unite a community. Each year, my peer group follows the ritual of fasting during Ramadan. Waking up at dawn and connecting with friends on social media to share what we are having for sehri, sharing the pangs of hunger during the day, and sending each other pictures of the scrumptious meals at Iftar are memories that connect us forever. While I am yet to discover the deeper meaning of religion, I am inextricably connected to my community through its customs and rituals. Following Ramadan, the Eid festivities begin, where friends and families rejoice and spend quality time with each other. No matter how busy one’s life is, time is made for relatives and loved ones on Eid.
Perhaps the most passionate element that contributes to my community’s belonging is cricket. Some say it is a religion on its own. Those who are not very interested in sports, including myself, still join in on the fun during cricket season. Friends and family gather together to watch cricket matches with pizza and soft drinks, cheering directly at the large screen in front of them. Days after a cricket match, people continue to analyze the details of it. Once again, people of all backgrounds are bonded together due to their love and interest in the most popular sport of the country. In fact, those who may be on opposing sides in other areas of life set aside their differences and sit down to watch a cricket match.
So even for someone not fluent in Urdu, secular, and only with a fleeting awareness of cricket, my community has managed to embrace me through its inclusiveness. You are next . . .