The weather was never before in human hands on our planet earth. People adapt to climate changes and weather conditions with time. Yet, the alternating weather changes have had a significant impact on our community. Humans are now taking measures to adapt to many climate changes. Which could change our future into a better and easier way to live.
Alternating weather patterns refer to the fluctuation and variability in weather conditions over time. Understanding the significance of these patterns is crucial in assessing their impact on our community. In the context of my community, Lebanon, alternating weather patterns can lead to challenges such as unpredictable rainfall, heatwaves, and extreme weather events. These challenges can disrupt agriculture practices, affect infrastructure ability, and influence daily life routines.
To display an example, here in my hometown in Lebanon citizens are hardly acclimating, due to the poor support from our government and late discoveries coming in. Moreover, most of the brains here in Lebanon are traveling abroad for a better future. Because of the crises we have been going through, like high dollar rates, expensive products, and high rent rates. Besides that, the weather has been getting exceedingly hot in summer 2023, unlike past years. With electricity nowhere to be found, Lebanese citizens are trying their best to find solutions and acclimate to the weather in many cheap ways.
As a result of the consequences, people nowadays are seeking solutions to help acclimate faster and easier. Solar panels, houses in high mountains, and/or traditional methods for people without a stable financial state: those are the approaches being considered by people in order to acclimate to weather and financial difficulties. Money has an important role in which route we should take to solve the issue. To illustrate that, there are different financial situations in Lebanon. Someone with a medium or high income would easily choose the solar panels, which are on the more expensive side. But as for the families with a low income, they would definitely go for using fans that barely increase the monthly electricity bill.
All in all, the weather changes in Lebanon have undoubtedly posed significant challenges to its citizens. However, through our resilience and adaptability, the Lebanese people have shown their commitment to finding sustainable solutions. Regardless of the barriers we citizens are facing, we are still seeking the best pathways for a better solution.