
Strange Perspectives of Success

FulfillmentGlobal Beat

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Delhi. My team and I were going to participate in the robotics championship. It was the first time I was going to travel alone with a group of students of my age. I was pretty excited for the competition. We participated in a robot race. Unfortunately, or maybe due to some highs and lows, I was not the operator. A boy older than I became the operator. Every moment, I felt like he was different; he was the leader! It was really weird, everyone just talked about him. No one even looked or cared for the remaining team. For the first time, I felt jealous; even when we won the championship, the train was full of noises praising that boy.

When our train reached the station, I went down first. Suddenly, one man came in and congratulated me. I was a bit happy; at least one person had a good mindset! “Congratulations driver!” he said. “Um, I am not the driver,” I replied, and to my surprise he asked me who the driver was. I pointed. I was broken when he went away without asking me about my role! All of a sudden, tears started rolling from my eyes. I rushed to a corner and was almost flooded in my own tears.

After some moments, I wiped my tears and went to everyone. No one even bothered to ask me where I went.

I firmly do not agree with my community’s vision of success.

Nobody wants to pay attention to a person with no money, disabilities, poor grades, or a poor personality. When we create a beautiful painting, we just concentrate on taking out our mistakes, but when a famous artist just draws a line, he or she is considered the best! But thanks to the almighty, he or she already made some good ones. I think people do not consider those who are on the path to success and need a bit of motivation.

In the selection trials,everyone cheered that boy, and when it was my turn, they were silent orgossiped among each other!

Many people have a weird perspective; they just want to know who the winner is or who the king is. A boss is felicitated even if his workers are the reason behind his success; the boss is considered successful and the workers are just known as workers!

Many people, including those in my community, consider merits as success. They do not consider those who have done lots of hard work or got a chance to do such big tasks.

Always remember that success does not mean winning, it is the relief or say fulfillment to ourselves. If we feel fulfilled, we are successful, not in the world but in our minds. If we feel or think we are the best but still do not win, we are successful even though no one knows our efforts and hard work.

I always stay motivated as it can cure the disease of depression. It can also tear defeat and hatch success. Always take or give motivation and be an opponent to yourself, so that you can break your own records. Always think that you are the master of the sea, you are the best of yourself!

Onkar is a 15-year-old who likes playing football and enjoys singing. He is very interested in robotics, along with hacking and programming. He loves writing and sharing his experiences!

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn