Identity is a little word but it’s filled with meanings. When someone asks me “What’s your identity?,” a lot of questions run through my mind. Who am I? Am I an ambitious and diligent person? What characteristics define me?
Maybe I am a little person, but I am intellectual. I have stopped caring about people who only give me unconstructive criticism. I want to forget what people have said about me, to motivate myself on my own, not rely on anyone, and focus on new beginnings.
I have started making new friends, meeting new teachers, and building new goals, such as being distinguished among people. I wanted my friends to contribute to these goals, so I try to avoid any malignant person who tries to tease me and any problems I don’t want to get into. I have started knowing myself better, discovering a lot of things, that maybe God made me distinguished from others. I have known people who are like golden daisies that will make me more motivated, eligible, and pure.
Growing up, I saw a lot of identities and personalities. I had friends and teachers with pure intentions that nurtured my hope for the future, and they wanted to help to reach my goal, to be distinguished. I have started to have a better grasp of my identity but I don’t know everything about myself. I want to keep discovering who I am and creating the life I want; I don’t want to allow my identity to be blown passively in the wind.
I don’t know if I have seen a lot in my life, If I am wise enough, if I am experienced or not. Nevertheless, I still have to work more on myself to know all of that. I know I am a little bit shy and need to work more on standing up for myself and expressing my opinions and ideas.
I am getting older. Every step I’m taking is making me wiser, and I am doing what I want, trying to absorb all the knowledge that I will need to achieve my goals.
But I haven’t reached my goals yet – first I must know what I’m doing, if it’s wrong or right. To be distinguished among others, I must sacrifice for my goal and identity. I want to talk to people to discover myself better. I need to have faith in myself and recognize the challenges that I’m facing but not let them stop me from making my dreams come true.
Who knows what’s going to happen? Maybe it’s hard to make my dreams come true by myself, but I don’t want to let myself down or procrastinate. I want to implement my plan to reach my goals.
I met someone who I thought had pure intentions and I felt that he would help me make my dreams come true and reach my goals. One of my goals was being a valued person who thinks for myself instead of letting others tell me what to think. I told him about that goal, hoping that he would support me, but painfully he started making jokes instead and said “that’s the silliest thing I have ever heard.” However, as I promised myself, I didn’t let him crush my hopes.
I’ve become wiser and learned from mistakes that I made when I was younger, recognizing them now as lessons. I’ve learned to stand back up when I fall down and thank God that there is still a thread of hope that I will make my dreams come true.
One of my goals was to stand out in school. Previously, I felt that I was procrastinating and letting myself get distracted instead of focusing on my goals. But I was able to refocus on what I wanted and what my goal was, and my hard work paid off. When the report card was published, everyone was waiting for me to fail, but unexpectedly I was the only student who got a 100 percent mark. I had believed in myself, but I felt like everyone in my class was embarrassed, guilty, and shocked.
My friends have helped me to see how to deal with different situations and to learn how to collaborate with people. I’ve also decided to go out by myself to see if I can deal with my problems on my own.
Ultimately, I want to be someone who knows how to think for myself; I want to be unique and distinguished from others around me.