
Our Changing Morals

Human DignityGlobal Beat

To me, human dignity means not only possessing strong morals that help society to prosper and improve but following through on them. Every human being has the basic obligation to respect himself and his fellow man. Every person has the right to freedom and to express his moral beliefs through words and actions that will help him grow as he uses his talents to help others. People have the right to be free of fear. They have the right to find peace in the understanding and acceptance of who they are, but only to the extent that their rights do not intrude on the rights of others. Each person’s rights end where the dignity of others begins.

Human dignity involves respect and compromise among the different people of any society. People come from different families, different countries, different religions, different political systems, different races. Their beliefs make up different systems of morals. Respect for these morals will determine how society works.

Today, many parents challenge what their children say and do, often using the arguments that if they had ever done what their kids are doing, their parents would have been outraged. Ironically, this is probably what their parents said to them when they were young, and it is probably what their own children will someday say. This shows how each generation is slowly accepting different morals that people never even considered in the past.
As popular media spreads across our world, young minds are continually altered as they are exposed to a different morality and formerly outrageous beliefs. Everyday, television, movies, or music reinforce the idea that certain things are popular and cool. Slogans such as “School is for losers” and “I’m too cool for you” are widespread and impact those with weak or no moral beliefs or teachings.

Harsh Agrawal is 14 years old and in the ninth grade. He lives in Amravati, India.

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn