Most countries have different laws on compulsory secondary education for children, and Ukraine is no exception. However, there are many factors that, for one reason or another, prevent some children from attending school.
First, it is worth separating the concepts of “going to school” and “studying at school,” since a large number of children in the country study via distance learning or home learning. Distance learning occurs at a distance, often via the Internet, without directly visiting an educational institution in person, and home schooling is a way of obtaining an education that involves studying general education subjects outside of school (mostly at home). Most often, children are learning remotely or schooling at home due to some kind of illness or disability, but sometimes the reason lies deeper, for example, some personal decisions of parents to educate their children at home. Now, unfortunately, a good half of the country is studying remotely because of the risks of war, including students from the east and southeast of the country or those who traveled abroad and did not start attending local school.
If we talk about those who do not study in any educational institution at all, then there are such children. Most schools provide education at the state level. That means that you do not have to pay for it, but lack of money is not always the key reason why these children do not attend educational institutions.
All this refers to other problems of the country: this is both the precarious economic situation of the state and the problem of the obsolescence and incorrect functioning of our education system. Distance learning for our country “came into circulation” only in 2020 due to the pandemic, and is not organized at the moment. I believe that the state must take a special perspective on the problem of why children do not attend school, and what needs to be changed for the better in the education system.