When we talk about searching for meaning, we must ask ourselves a very important question: Does life have meaning? And I don’t mean that in a pessimistic way, what I mean is that when we talk about meaning or purpose, we are referring to something very complex, something that we honestly don’t know for sure. However, this should not discourage us, since by not having something concrete we can be the ones who give it a purpose or reason.
Personally, the way I try to find meaning is by trying to see beauty in the little things, even though the circumstances are not always the best. I try to be grateful for everything. For me, all things can change if you see them from another perspective. I am aware that I am still very young and that I still don’t know many things, but I am sure of one: that I want to enjoy the process while I mature and learn from each experience. I want to think that life gives us experiences and that they are all lessons to be better people.
The truth is that, in the search to find our purpose or meaning, we can be disoriented. As we grow, little by little we become more critical and we begin to search for our place in this society. What will be my purpose? Where do I want to go? What career should I follow? Who do I want to be? There are so many paths to take and so many options. But, if we stop to think, we are not the only ones who go through these situations; how many people are wondering the same things around the world? How many are having the same doubts? And that somehow unites us, helps us feel part of a community that is searching for the same thing, and shows us that we are not alone in our search for meaning.
Generally, we believe that these searches to find meaning are completely personal, but we must not forget the importance and influence that our communities have. Whether through culture, traditions, or even family, our communities are also crucial in our personal construction. There will be moments when they will undoubtedly positively influence our lives, when they will be one of the most important supports we can have. However, there will also be times when this is not the case.
Regardless of whether we are from the same communities, we all experience different things. Some may experience the same things but see them in completely different ways. Each person has their own time to find meaning and what makes them happy. However, despite those differences, in the end we are all connected in the search to fulfill our purpose, to find what gives meaning to our lives.