People go through good and bad moments daily, and sometimes we need to be brave to face them. For example, I find courage in those who are important to me: my mom, my family, and my school.
Someone very important to me is my mother. She never leaves me alone, always makes sure that I lack nothing, and that I can study fully. I owe everything to her. When she was my age she did not have the same opportunities as I do; I can learn other languages, I have singing lessons. I think she is reflected in me, every goal I achieve is thanks to her and because of her.
Because of all this, I always do my best in my studies and have the best grades; it is a way to thank her for everything she does for me.
My grandfather is also very important to me and someone I can always turn to if I need help with my homework. He teaches me math, knows a lot about history, and is always willing to help me with whatever I need. He is proud of me for all that I am able to accomplish because of his support.
School is one of the places where I also find courage. It is exciting that teachers give you the opportunity to develop artistic skills. At school, you meet wonderful people who inspire you to bring out the best in yourself, so that you can represent the institution and be recognized for that.
Many people find courage in loved ones, pets, valuables, and places, or simply find courage in themselves. There are people who believe they are not brave. However, the moment you wake up, you are already brave. You go out and meet people who enlighten your day, you meet the wonderful nature, the blue sky, the birds singing a melody that says today is a good day to show how brave you are to go ahead and walk towards your dreams. You are brave for being what you want to be.