Milton Friedman once said, “Only a crisis — actual or perceived — produces real change.” This is one statement that delves deep into the philosophies of crisis and change; it emphasizes the fact that without crisis, change is non-viable.
Many people may believe that a crisis is merely a setback, and not an agent of change. Whilst that may be rendered true in today’s society, couldn’t one argue that it could also be the reason for positive change? Although that may come across as a paradoxical idea, it can be substantiated through real-life instances.
Traveling back to 2020, when the ominosity of the pandemic besmirched the world, millions of people suffered the vicious scowl of the coronavirus. Yet, instead of succumbing to the threat of the epidemic, our noble scientists came together to come up with a vaccine, thereby fighting each adversity in unison that obstructed global development.
Another instance of a crisis that gave rise to a myriad of hardships was the eminent subprime mortgage crisis, which took place in 2007. Although this issue had its ripple effects across the globe, the US government, the US Treasury, employees, and citizens came together to stabilize the financial system and the economic recession.
My educational community adapts to change by seeing each adversity as an opportunity. The same year that The Riverside School was founded, Ahmedabad was struck by the infamous earthquake that took place in 2001. Despite the many challenges that came to obstruct my school’s director, Mrs Kiran Sethi’s, way, she did not back down and remained unfettered in fulfilling her vision of starting a design-led school to empower children. This instance serves as one of many paragons of seeing the potential in crisis to make a sea of difference.
In my family, we see hardships as a chance to reflect upon our drawbacks. We firmly feel that dwelling in the past is futile. In other words, instead of getting overwrought about the gloomy shadow that crisis may lay upon us, we believe in seeing light at the end of the tunnel. My family members encourage me to reflect on my shortcomings and accordingly act toward avoiding them.
In summary, linking back to Milton Friedman’s quote, it is essential that we, as individuals, change our mindset on crisis. Instead of sticking to stereotypical ideas of adversities being a hitch, we must understand the true meaning of crises, for that is the only way to resolve them.