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Beautiful Searching

Find the meaning of your life and you will gain happiness. Every day, lots of times, millions of people ask the same question that makes them experience various emotions: “what’s the sense of my life?” It has become the biggest question for everyone who wants to change their life and know what direction they need to move. It has become a favorite theme for philosophers and for everyone to think about.

Just imagine, the human mind is so powerful that we can understand languages, explore every big and tiny object, build countries, and lots of other amazing things. So we can understand the importance of every choice, action, move, and decision, and choose the right people to stay in our lives. It takes months, years to be sure about your passion and life plan. Usually people don’t really know what they want in their lives. Most of them do nothing with this and continue living their lives with no purpose, but some people act differently. They start thinking, “What do I really want to do?” Their brains start to work in other directions and it creates a desire. That big desire to be happy with their own lives. It starts creating small ideas and thoughts, it makes you notice the smallest things, get to know interesting people, analyze situations.

The period of searching is beautiful. You feel like you can create any interesting life you want for yourself. You can do, feel, make any beautiful things you are eager to. You keep searching for that passion, trying new things. Sometimes it feels so hard to choose, and you feel lost. But every time you realize how huge the world is, you start again with new energy. During this period you meet dozens of people like you, you go through lots of situations and feelings. These people start helping you to find what you want.

One day you will wake up with that one most important idea of your life. You have found your goal and passion, and nothing is going to be the same. You completely change your plans and start going toward your purpose. And people who were with you all the time start distancing themselves from you. Even the best friendships or relationships that you thought would last forever, the universe makes them leave your life. And only those people who stay, even with your new version, with your new mindset, with your new style and passion are really the best ones. The friendship or relationship with these people is priceless. And at the end of the day, they help your soul and body fulfill your dreams. That is the best feeling, when you are busy with your goals, plans, and changes and you are surrounded by people who love you, support you, and are ready to be with you no matter what.


Anna is in the ninth grade. She has recently graduated from music school. She likes self-development, books, pilates, and working for her future happiness. She is also keen on drawing and creating something beautiful.