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Be Yourself

Nowadays, lots of us have mental and physical issues. That’s totally understandable. It is quite possible to have student debt and unfinished presentations, or the cake (that you have been cooking all day long) can just turn out to be hideous. There is too much outside pressure. As a result, it is sometimes vital to relax.

If you don’t take breaks and have a rest, one day you may have emotional burnout. I am not telling you to take a one-month vacation after one or two difficult workdays, but you definitely shouldn’t have one day off after several months of hard work. You ought to know the measure! Ergo, short but frequent rest is always needed.

Many of my friends say that meditation helps a lot. When I tried it for the first time, I was 12 years old and I fell asleep after three minutes of the practice. After such an experience, I decided that it’s not for me. However, two years later, I attempted it again, and it was amazing. I started doing it whenever I felt stressed or sad.

However, what young people should carry in their minds is that stress is not only about physical experience. Self-awareness and self-understanding also have high value. It’s almost impossible to stay in a good mood when the person doesn’t like her or himself. If you think that you’re too fat, your belly looks ugly, or the color of your eyes is disgusting, you can’t feel well. Moreover, every day we see stunning models and actors with perfect bodies and astonishing faces everywhere on the internet. The only way out is to remember that you are unique and there is no one as special and beautiful as you are. Forget about modern “beauty standards.” You are who you are, and that’s incredible! It’s great to improve yourself by reading books, doing new sports and hobbies, waking up earlier, and taking good care of your health. While doing all this cool stuff, try not to lose yourself. Remember, you have only one you.

In conclusion, I want you to take a rest every time you need it, develop yourself, care about mental health, and smile more often. The thing you should always carry in your mind is that you are special, unique, and the best!


Anastasia Korobka is in the tenth grade and lives in Kyiv, Ukraine. She lives with her parents and enjoys reading, especially novels and crime thrillers. She also adores writing poems, painting, swimming, drawing, and doing crafts. When she has free time, she and her friends play volleyball or go to the gym. She is fond of taking pictures from different angles, having picnics, and spending time with her friends.