Be Kind
Be kind. I can’t say it enough. Just be kind. What does it mean to be kind? Well, it means being selfless, caring, compassionate, and unconditionally kind. Like love, it takes practice to understand and feel it. We share love with others through kind acts such as a smile, a thoughtful word, an unexpected deed, or a planned surprise. See, these small acts of kindness really go a long way. I know I would feel pretty guilty if I didn’t hold the door open for two elderly people, for example, or if I frowned at a man in a wheelchair, instead of smiling at him and thereby showing that I accept him as he is without any judgment.
Some people despise this priceless act. And I will tell those people that they are wrong, in a respectful way, not hurting them by speaking to them like they are the devil, because they are human, after all. A saying that goes a long way is, “What goes around comes around!” So, when you do a good deed, that good deed will come back to you. However, if you do a bad deed, that bad deed will come back to you.
Most of the good sounding words fall under the umbrella of the word kind. Just to name a few: respectful, unconditional, generous. I could go on forever.
Be generous. Some people might think that generosity is just giving people things, however, I am glad to tell you that there is more to it. To be generous is to show a readiness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected. Mother Teresa said, “Give until it hurts.” To do a generous deed is, for example, to give away clothes to charity or give money to the homeless or to a place that needs it. And doing a generous thing is not just for people but for animals and our home - the planet.
However, I am not telling you to go spend all your money recklessly, just to put a little into your budget is enough. If you want to do good deeds, which I’m sure many do, then you can show a little kindness and give a little generously.
Respect is something else you can do. Be respectful. What does it mean to be respectful? It means to feel or show deference. I respect an old lady by letting her on a bus before me or giving her my seat if needed. This should be done not just for the elderly but with anyone you can. If a lady is walking her dog and the street is narrow, you can stop for her and her dog until they pass and then continue on your journey. Also, if you offer a smile to others, it can be the first step toward respect.
However, if you frown, then other people will return your frown; what a world that would be!
A wise saying that links to the point I am making is Jesus’ golden rule, “treat others the way you would like to be treated.” It’s as simple as that. If you would like a smile, then smile at others. You can always make someone’s day with a smile.
What does it mean to be affectionate? Being affectionate means showing fondness. Being affectionate can be rare. What does it mean to be unconditional? Unconditional means not subject to any conditions. It means unmeasurable; however, it can be in a good way or in a bad way.
Unconditionally kind is what God is: unconditionally respectful, unconditionally royal, powerful, strong, and anchored in love. God is everything we need and the Being that we strive to follow. Strive to respect. Strive to be kind. Strive to be unconditional. Strive to be and always be everything He wants and everything we need.
I probably don’t know who you are out there. But what I do know is that if you want to be any of the above, you can be. If you want the treasure, you’ve got the map, just follow it and I assure you will be satisfied. Everyone has kindness in their heart no matter how cruel they may seem. Let your heart be what God meant it to be. Whoever you are. Whoever you might be. You could be led by unconditional light. The light of love. Unconditional love. You can find it. I know you can. It’s already there. In front of you. Just take off the blindfold and seek. In this I am no stranger. I’m an ordinary 13-year-old kid who sometimes gets bullied, but who doesn’t get bullied in one way or another? I encourage you to make your heart as bright as the sun, not as dark as a black hole. As I come to the end of this piece, I hope reading my writing might encourage you to be kind, respectful, and unconditional in your good deeds. May God bless you unconditionally, and may all your dreams come true.
Jude Sheriff is a 13-year-old living in London, United Kingdom. He enjoys sports, radio, reading, and chess.