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Barriers to Education

Education: a life changing and delicate topic that is often given little importance.

Without academic training or knowledge, the population is not prepared for the future. Your options of work are very limited if you have not specialized in a specific field, earned a degree, or at least finished high school. One of the most common causes of dropping out of school is economic problems. Many times, education can be expensive. Families who cannot afford the expenses do not send their children to school. Most of these children have to work, whether begging for change on the street or washing cars at traffic lights. Their parents make them believe that they should also bring money home, when that is not the case.

Another cause of school dropout is the lack of interest from parents. Here in Paraguay and in many countries of Latin America, there are many parents who, during their childhood or adolescence, were not able to receive a quality education, or were practically not enrolled in the educational system. They started to work at a really early age. As a result, some of them believe that because they did not have an education, their children do not deserve it or that it is not necessary for them.

Teenage pregnancy is another of the most frequent causes. Normally, the pregnant girl’s family does not support her, and as a “punishment,” so to speak, they do not send her to school again, as if she did not deserve it and her family demands that she work since now she already has a responsibility. However, this is where the girl should have the most support and opportunities to access a good education, since this will help her in the future to take care of herself and her baby.

Education is the basis for everything in life. Without education, no society will be able to be successful. I dream for all boys and girls to go to school, and for all nations to ensure this right, which is so important for the world and humanity.


Jessica Ailen Barreto is a 13-year-old from Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay. Jessica loves writing about different themes, and also reading, studying, and making others happy.