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An Urgent Change

The most important crises that our world is living through are the cost of living and the two wars between Russia and Ukraine and Palestine and Israel. People around the world might not have the resources to start a family, settle in a place, or pay their rent and medical expenses. Some enjoy being able to have a lot of money and allow themselves to spend what they like, while others have to save a lot to afford to buy something insignificant to others but important to them.

People stopped talking about Russia and Ukraine a long time ago. Now all the concentration that the world has given to Russia and Ukraine is on Palestine and Israel.

Another crisis that our world is living through is in the area of mental health, which is why most of the population of many cities goes to the psychologist. The problem with this is that in a city there might be just six psychologists for 100,000 inhabitants. Governments around the world are looking for a solution to this problem. Governments try to provide citizens with medical resources and help with education.

Many people around the world have the same idea of when this crisis is going to end and when there will be a new period in this world of freedom and peace. When is there going to be a moment of peace without wars, economic crises, natural disasters, climate change, the shortage of water in the world? When will there be a world where everyone treats each other with respect? When will there be a world in which only peace reigns?

And to conclude this essay I would like to say that this world needs an urgent change. The change must be without wars, without demonstrations, without problems with the law. The change must be seen in the attitude of each person and in the solutions that are proposed to make this change worthwhile.


Natalia Montejo is a high school student from Madrid, Spain.