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AI’s Impact on Our Future

AI is based on the ability of machines to learn and perform tasks that require human intelligence. This allows machines to think like humans.

Currently AI is becoming more famous and lots of people take advantage of it. Lots of people use it in their routines, throughout the day, for simple things like learning a new language or complex, risky things like diagnosing illness or driving autonomous cars. This could be a negative thing about AI, because the system could fail and give you answers that aren’t useful or are incorrect, and these mistakes could have negative consequences.

However, AI could be positive in some cases to carry out tasks more efficiently. In my point of view, AI is a good resource to find useful information and to learn new things in a different way. This could help us to improve the efficiency and the accuracy of our knowledge and support us to progress in several situations that are part of our routine.

AI is crashing plenty in our society and that could cut off lots of opportunities in the future. It presents lots of challenges and responsibilities that we have to keep in mind.

It’s really important to be aware of the tools that we use and take responsibility for our actions. AI is a good resource to find information but not to abuse it. We don’t have enough knowledge about it and we don’t realize the problems that AI can cause in our professional careers.

Nowadays lots of the population is used to using AI for anything they need, and that could have negative effects in the future. If we get into the habit of using it, lots of people will avoid thinking on their own. That’s going to make people lazy, and they are going to lose lots of opportunities in the near future.

Teenagers are starting to use it to take shortcuts on their schoolwork, and that will have negative consequences for their training and the economy. It’s a risk for the huge number of people that could be replaced in their employment because of AI and that’s why we have to study and not to be so lazy.

To conclude, AI is a good asset if we use it properly, but not if we abuse it.


Alejandra Hernández Jiménez is a 16-year-old from Madrid, Spain. Alejandra enjoys playing handball, hanging out with friends, and spending quality time with family.