Since old civilizations, humans have been affected by the community that they live in and this has only gotten bigger and bigger since then. The community that I live in has encouraged me to pursue my dreams by giving me the choice to enter a department where I could be creative.
From a young age, kindergarten rates you based on different bases of creativity to see what you are most creative in. Going to elementary school, you express yourself in different ways like science, math, English, and much more. In middle school you prioritize what you’re going to be creative in. After school, the people around you will help you complete your dreams by offering you different ways to be creative through things like architecture, language, and medicine.
Your family has a big effect on you by supporting your dreams and putting you on the right road. Community support is vital because it raises a new generation of creative people and helps the new world be better than ever. For me, my family always gave their opinion in every step I took. In fact, they wanted me to join KidSpirit.
Remember that your community has an effect and you’re a part of it. Always spread happiness and give the people you love good advice, because that advice can make a difference in this world.