Many thanks to all our supporters and friends — we couldn’t provide this unique forum for youth without you!

Foundation Support
Ad Hoc Foundation
The Marc Haas Foundation
Schindler, Cohen & Hochman LLP
Jon & Laura Bloomberg
Sarah Dabney
Philip Simon
Mayree Clark and Jeff Williams
Elizabeth Dabney Hochman & Jon Hochman
Anna Soref and Mike Bush
John P Colman
Janice S and Thomas P Roddenbery
Lucy and Bill Farland
Barry Walker
Wendy Blattner and Tom Inck
Lyonross Capital
Eliza and Jim Rossman
Dr. Frances Faro and Eric Faro
Jane Quinn, PhD and Terry Quinn
Ken & Susan Whitman
Macky Alston
Norma Arnold
Josh Aronson and Maria Bachmann
Lewis Dabney and Chiara Monticelli Dabney
Paula Deitz Morgan
Geoffrey Dorfman and Tracey Jones
Denise Farkas
David W. Haller
Margaret and David Hampton
Maureen Healy and Gary Alexion
Catherine Hochman
Karen Humphries Sallick
Lauren Jacobs and Dave Wonnacott
Carl Josephson
Shoori Loghmanee
Laurie Lowrance
Sandy McLeod
Kristin Miles
JoAnn Navickas and Alan Brudner
Richard G. Price and Holly Hurwitz
Princeton Global Asset Management, LLC
Judi Ricci
Virginia Robinson
Daniel Schatzman
Elizabeth Schwartz Hioe and Nelson Hioe
Shachi Shah
James V Shaheen
Rabbi Joshua Stanton and Mirah Curzer
Daniel Stone
Gabrielle Sulzberger
Marisa Valente
Sherrie Westin
Martha Wooding Young and Kevin Young
Beth and Scott Zucker
Michelle Noris and Joshua Weitzman
Barbara Oskin
Jon and Bea Plasse
Piers Playfair
Jon Prince
Sheila Prakash
Philip and Susan Allen
Brett Averitt
Blake and Carollynn Bartosh
Robert Bilkie
Jolene Boris
Mary Ann and Frederic Brussat
Aliye Celik
Marci and John Cheary
Lisa Cohen, Esq., and Win Thin
Charlotte Dabney
Virgilio de la Piedra and Cathy Patry
Ferol and Mike Dougherty
Dan Fast
Patrick and Sheryle Gaston
Lisa and Stefan Gorsch
Howard Schrader and Nancy Gutman
Emily Schweer
Karen Silsby
Victoria Simon
Nick Stuart and Lisa Cataldo
Andrew and Robin Hafitz
Leslie Hannafey
Edward Hauben
Amelia Hill-Oliva
Caroline Hochman
Marika Josephson
Sandford and Cathleen Leff
Peter and Bella Liang
Janis Martinson and Stephen Sagarin
Raymond McGuire
John and Wende McIlwain
Noel Niemann
Nicholas Poser and April Newbauer
Richard Price
Kristine Quinio and Rex van der Riet
Kathleen Rankhorn
David Schisgall
Sunita Viswanath
Sandra Wertheimer and Jeremy Primer
Loren Weybright